Introducing BENJI NORTH… hot shot super snapper and part of the low-fi, freewheeling creative crew that is The SWANK Fam.
We’re stoked that Benji agreed to art direct and snap the latest SWANK photoshoot so here’s just a few words from the man himself on where he’s been, where he’s at and where he’s going…
So, I guess I’m a proper photographer now, I’ve done pretty much everything else that there is to do. I’ve worked in construction, asbestos, fashion, retail, administration, education, tea & coffee and whatever else I haven’t bothered to mention.
I took a really long fucking road to get here, being a photographer, but the journey was worth it. Now, I can’t say that I really enjoyed the journey, the trip was pretty shit, like a motorway of endless potholes on the way to an MOT, and the subsequent effect of those potholes made your vehicle fail the test. I suppose I have to look at the positives, the car still works, albeit, close to the point of being deemed not very roadworthy. The journey did shape me into the person I am now and the reason why I photograph the way I do, so, thanks, I think.
I was born in Greenwich, so, I share a birthplace with time itself, from there I moved to Kent after my parents split when I was 3 years old. Then when I was 20/21 I moved to a remote part of Nova Scotia, Canada.
I think this is where my love of film became apparent when I decided to shack up with an Art student from the local University, her roommate, an Aussie, also a photographer, come to think of it, her entire friendship circle were photographers. When I was in my 20s I was very much a vain young man, so would happily be the model for many projects on offer.
When I eventually moved back to England after a really toxic relationship with the Art Student from the local University, my life kind of lacked direction and I had no real focus, I knew I wanted to stay creative, sadly life doesn’t work that way. Work happens and bills and dept mount up.
When I did move back my life just seemed like a whirlwind of relationships, I’d meet a girl, break up, meet another girl, have a baby, break up, meet back up with the original girl, marry the original girl, divorce the original girl, meet another girl… This is where I found direction. Through all my shit, she has stood by me and reignited my love of photography. She bought me a camera and I just found myself back in a place where I felt comfortable.
My work focuses on the life of real humans. I’ve set up a media company, Anthropology Media, which focuses solely on capturing whatever your version of being humans is, music, art, dogs, cars… whatever. People intrigue me and even more so when I can photograph or video them doing the thing that they fucking love.
Big thanks Benji ?